Carolinas Index: Old Dominion trucks ahead with 7% stock gain
"These were the best performing Carolinas-based stocks included in the Capital Investment Cos./Nottingham index
"These were the best performing Carolinas-based stocks included in the Capital Investment Cos./Nottingham index
The annual Envision Client Conference was held in September in Huntington Beach, CA. Investment
From an article about our good friend at Capital Investment, Ben Brooks. “Capital is
This month, Nottingham’s Kip Meadows and JoAnne Jackson attended the NASACT Annual Conference in
By: David Gooding If you’re standing still, in truth you are probably going backwards
While attending the NAST Treasury Management Training Symposium in June, Nottingham’s JoAnne Jackson participated
Since the Investment Company Act of 1940, investment companies could generally be described as
Mutual Fund share classes may differ by their internal expenses, potential front-end or back-end
Here at Nottingham, many of our clients are experienced money managers with successful proprietary
What is Unitized Accounting? Unitization refers to the creation of a fund-like structure (akin