Leading-Edge Technology & Fund Accounting Software
For fund managers and investors alike, the ability to access critical fund performance information quickly and easily is crucial. Connectivity to custodians, broker dealer platforms, industry pricing sources, and our clients ensuring the free flow of data is of utmost importance. Our experienced internal technology team is continuously improving our proprietary technologies and updating the fund accounting software that is used to receive and deliver data in the most accurate and expeditious manner.
To that end, we’ve created a proprietary fund portal where our clients, and their shareholders gain online access to all relevant reports, fund history, balances, transactions, and more. With the ability to integrate various investment data sources and a range of reporting outlets, the Nottingham information systems team delivers the technology needed to manage funds successfully.
Nottingham maintains direct data channels with all major banks and other financial institutions for the daily processing of the funds we administer. Our programmers and fund accounting software developers are well versed in all types of data formatting and translations, working with our partners daily to ensure that we can securely and reliably exchange data. A typical data feed contains a portfolio’s holdings and transactions which we use to reconcile activity between the custodian and a fund’s advisor/portfolio manager.
Secure Portals
Client Access
Nottingham’s Advisor Portal offers customization with varying levels of accessibility and drill-down capabilities, allowing each client to set controls for how they want to view and interact with their fund data. Identifiers enable sorting and aggregation of accounts based on a hierarchy of viewing privileges. Where applicable, drill-down links are provided to allow easy access into details of certain reports. This portal includes many dynamic reports such as shareholder activity and listings, daily cash flows, portfolio holdings, daily performance, cash forecasting, to name a few. Customized reports can be created to meet specific needs.
Shareholder Access
Individual fund participants can view statements and historical account activity. All data is password protected with state-of-the-art security technology. Other documents, such as newsletters, can be added to the shareholder portal to maintain a secure communication channel directly with investors. Nottingham IT works with each client to determine what, if any, graphical data will be made available to participants. The Shareholder Portal will accommodate the activity and balances for any number of accounts per user.
ETF Technology
Nottingham has created a turnkey ETF fund admin and technology program built from in-house programming and enhancements made to fund accounting software. Based on the daily valuation of the ETF assets, we create a portfolio composition file (PCF) daily that is sent out to the street each evening. We generate the DTCC required format and distribute through our custodian partners. We also generate in an easy to read Excel format and send via email or SFTP to other partners and interested parties. For Bloomberg, we create data specific to its format and send directly to the platform.
To assist with the required disclosure of ETF related pricing and performance, Nottingham provides web-based data feeds and technical support to integrate into the ETF’s existing website. If the ETF does not have a website, we offer templates that can be used for a complete solution to this regulatory requirement. The data feeds are provided in JSON format (the most widely used data format for modern websites) but can be provided in CSV or other formats as needed. The data feeds contain the NAV and market prices, premium/discount, NAV and market performance, holdings, and links to required documents and other information.
Authorized Participant Access
APs can access Nottingham’s easy-to-use order system built specifically for ETFs. The AP portal provides a complete solution for all ETF parties to process and communicate information promptly and accurately.
- APs: place orders for ETF shares, view and adjust the basket for cash in lieu of restricted securities, and view the order confirmation
- Portfolio Managers: receive and approve trade notifications
- Transfer Agent: track and process the ETF shares
- Custodian: receive settlement instruction files
All electronic information is housed behind leading-edge firewall technology in password-protected databases both on our internal systems and our cloud-based backup storage systems.
Nottingham assures:
- Strict data access controls within the system
- Restricted function to specific user categories
- Full trail audit of all accesses
- Secure data storage facilities with redundant back-up systems

Nottingham News
Mutual Fund to ETF Conversion
After completing the first ever multi-class open end mutual fund to ETF conversion in early 2021, Nottingham got together to speak with Greg Rutherford (Founder of Adaptive Investments), Terry Davis (Shareholder with global law firm Greenberg Traurig), and Pete McCabe (COO
Interval and tender offer closed-end funds
Interval funds are closed-end managed investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 that rely on Rule 23c-3 to periodically offer to repurchase shares at NAV from shareholders at predetermined intervals. Tender offer
Compliance to Advisers Act Rule 206(4) is quickly approaching
As the compliance date for the Advisers Act Rule 206(4)-1 (Marketing Rule) quickly approaches, the SEC has issued an alert outlining key areas of focus: "On December 22, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC